Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wisdom tree

The Farrow Family from West Virginia contacted me about four years ago and asked me to do a tree of life for display in their living room of their new home. This turned out to be about 2 1/2 year project. The first draft was about oak tree without foliage. The second draft was the same oak tree with exposed root system. The third draft was an old man's face hidden in the trunk of the oak tree. They did not approve of the old man's face and asked me to make the old man's face easier to see. They came out to my place twice during the project to see how it was going. Finally they approved of the image and we set out to cut it. It is the largest file on any single image I've ever done. I was concerned if my compressor was going to be able to produce enough air to make the final outside cut. It took 40 min. to cut the very outside line. Since then they changed the name from tree of life to the wisdom tree. Had to make a special crate to send this via trucking to its destiny in West Virginia. We tried their best to make this crate idiot proof so that image would not get damaged. It made it there unharmed.

1 comment:

Bull River Gal said...

ever hear back from them on how much they enjoy it or got any pics of it displayed in their home?? It is a wonderful piece, I can see hours into this with the design alone!!