Monday, June 13, 2011

Fat guy on the mountain

Okay Dave as promised the wood! This is a tamarack on the bunco, a peckerpole dougfir and a couple of loads. Tell me the truth, does that chainsaw make me look fat? Perhaps it's me that makes the trees look small.

The biggest tree I ever cut was a doug fir on 4th of July pass, 48 inches on the stump, 3 1/2 cords, with about a cord left in the woods, wouldn't fit on the truck. The biggest Tamarack I ever cut was 38 inches on the stump, that was with Ryan up at the cabin, back side of Nakarna Mt. 3 cords, and the dipshit we delivered it to, complained because we blocked his driveway with huge ass bolts of of cold winter BTUs Total douchbag, didn't deserve the wood, I hope he dropped his sack splitting that stuff!!

The Tamarack that was next to outhouse at the cabin, was one that grandma wouldn't let grandpa cut down, because it had an extensive lean toward the cabin. Ryan and I took it down, cut it, split it in an afternoon, just over a cord. We left it at the cabin, but found out later that the morons burnt it up outside at the fire pit. What a waste!


Jake said...

Nice vids Bill! Those are some pretty big snags you cut down. I miss having a stove sometimes. I don't miss getting the wood, stacking the wood and cleaning out the chimney; but I do miss the sound of hearing the sap pockets pop and leaning up next to the stove on a cold day to warm up.

Bull River Gal said...

Yeah and these pics are ones with his old ford loaded up....but do you remember "Bonnie" when that truck was loaded up....he had a LOAD!