Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2nd day of winter.

Well it's that time of year again. Don't really feel like Christmas down here. No snow here yet but lots of rain.

Phillip has gotten into the spirit of things and made some candy. He made the Tuttie Fruttie creams, fudge and cow pies. Hey! I been eating it in spite of the fact I was given a new sure fire weight loss diet..... " If it tastes good, Spit it out"....... In fact he has been busy cooking and baking up a storm. We got a huge turkey for thanksgiving and he has turned all the leftovers into pasties and pot pies and froze them. He also made a big batch of lasagna with the last of the chard from the garden and put a bunch of it into small disposable loaf pans and froze them as well. When we take off for the day he puts them in the cooler and takes them along with us to thaw. When we get home they can be popped into the oven and baked. We were given a bag of oranges and he juiced most of them because they were on the almost too ripe side to eat. He made a pie with some of the juice and if you think I spit that out you're crazy. First time I ate orange chiffon pie. Boy it was good. I know what he can do with the rest of the juice. It's so nice having someone else do the cooking. Right guys?
Really raining out there now. Even a little lightning a while ago. They have posted flood warnings for most of AZ for this evening.
Winter storm warnings up in north country. Wet here but not real cold. One good thing, it will wash the dirt off all the rocks we dug up last week and laid out. Had a bag full and wished I had water to wash off others so I could see if they were good enough to pack out. Now after this is all over and things dry out a bit we can go back in , look at them and pick out them best ones.

Hope all of you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.......Granny

1 comment:

Jake said...

It's funny how the weather can put you in the Christmas spirit or not. It has been pretty warm and dry here in Colorado. Don't get me wrong I like having dry roads to drive on but when it's just about the end of December a little white stuff couldn't hurt. Tell Phillip good job on the cooking. I haven't done much creative cooking recently. A while back I made some awesome chicken soup, but since then it's been frozen veges and rice o' roni. I'm hoping to do more cooking next year.