Wow!! did it ever cool down. I got the rest of my marigolds transplanted this AM. Phillip and I took advantage of the cool day to pick wild flower seeds. Some wild flowers are just starting to bloom. The daturas by the end of the driveway have buds on them but I noticed the ones in the neighbors yard are blooming like crazy. I planted some of them up closer to the house but the seeds didn't germinate. They may not have been mature enough when the plant died. It only have one seed pod on it and was dead when we got back from up north last year. There are lots of them blooming along side the road and I will get some more seeds from them after they dry up some. The penstemons are ready to pick and we got some. These are the pink ones. Saw some red and some fuchsia colored ones on the way to town so will have to get some of them next time we go to town. There are some purple flowers blooming on the way as well. Bushy and the flowers look a lot like spider wort. Real pretty. I got a picture of them a few years back but can't find it now. Have to get other picture I guess. Gotta get some of the daturas. Some people call them moonflowers. Have big white flowers that close up when it gets hot. The primroses are about bloomed out. Seeds not quite ready to pick.
Phillip is going to have to move a bunch of rocks so I can plant flowers next to the shop. I don't know if it will be too hot there or not. It might be for some flowers but not the daturas I think.
We have a jillyun hollyhocks that have come up but I doubt if they will flower this year. Maybe.
Have one plant from last year the pigs didn't get and it is blooming now, a deep red. Took all the cantaloupe and watermelon seeds from the ones we ate and planted them all over in the yard. Birds got some of them but the rest are doing good. I doubt that we will ever get anything from them because of the pigs and skunks but at least they are something green growing in the yard besides weeds. Got a big black kitty from the thrift store and put him in the garden. The chard eaters have stayed clear of the chard for the time being. I told Phillip to move him every time he waters so the birds won't get used to him being in one spot and figure him out. There is a big black cat that hangs around and catches a few birds now and then. He likes to hang around the bird baths.
Rabbit ear cactus in the front yard have taken over the place. Had no idea they could get so big and spread out so far. They will have to be manicured one of these days. The barrel cactus have bloomed as well as the red and the pink ones. The staghorn has yet to bloom. It has orange flowers on it. The chardeaters have a nest in it. Don't know what kind of birds they are but they are quite small and have green on their backs and have yellow chests. Cute little devils but hell on chard. We saw them up in the willows by the pond we stayed at in Alder, MT. and up at Charlie creek. We have a pair of tanagers nestin the the hackberry tree in front of the house. They eat a lot of the berries on the tree. We have hackberry trees coming up all over the place because the robins didn't show up this spring migrations and eat them. Usually have a huge flock of them come through and clean up all the berries.
Phillip said dinner about ready....Granny