Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The frost is on the pumpkins.

This is a frosty scene I got from Bill. I don't know which one of them took it but I think it is beautiful. We don't get many frosty scenes down here because the humidity is usually too low. It does cool off though. It was in the 70's over the weekend and Monday, yet this morning there were snow flurries in the sky. Got to about 50 for a high today. Supposed to warm up again this weekend.
Phillip and I went out on the desert yesterday since it cooled off and picked up some smokey quartz crystals we missed after the summer monsoons washed some of the clay off them. We tried to find a road Phillip said he crossed when he hiked into another place he found other quartz crystals. Didn't find out how they got in there. They may have went up or down a wash to gain access to the area. I'll have to google the area to find out for sure. We did pick up a few more small geodes and Phillip found an arrowhead.
While I was up in Alder at the campground I picked some seeds off the different color hollyhocks that grow in front of the place. I want to get them planted right away.
Some of chard in the garden has started to grow again. Going to have to water it. Phillip wants to expand the garden next spring. He wants to add beets and carrots along with the rest of the stuff we had before.
Had a real BAD hair day. Darn stuff is growing in so straight and so much coarser than it used to be. Not to mention I'm beginning to shed like crazy. I guess it is the meds I'm taking. (can it be old age?). To make matters worse I took it upon myself to be my own beautician and stylishly cut it. Methinks I should have gone to the beauty school. Oh well, it will grow back in I guess. When I was up north I had Donna even up the back for me. I don't know if I trust Phillip to do it. Granny

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