Sunday, June 7, 2009

Remembering Dad

Dad,Brother and Sisters. That's Charles between Donna and Patricia.
This picture of Dad was taken in 1973.
Since Dad's birthday is the 9th of this month I thought I would drag out a couple of old pictures and post them. I've got some others that none of you guys have copies of and I will post them later if anyone is interested. I guess I got a little bit maudlin when I think it has been 16 years since he passed away. Lots of brain echos there.
I was going thru some of the old pictures and came across the school picture I had taken in the 10th grade. Never know it was me, looking at me now. ...I just wish I knew who got Mom's old photo album with the pictures of all of us Prescott kids when we were little. I'd like to wring their neck since they took it before any of us could get dupes made. We had just got all the pictures sorted and put into albums the summer before I took the folks down to AZ. The rest of the kids were going to clean up the old fire hazard up while we were gone. The album disappeared before we got back.
You guys are lucky, The Agaves are almost ready to bloom and I wanted the next photo of them to be in bloom. Next time you are going to get it. ....AGAIN...
Phillip has been busy making all kinds of different things. He took an old Gerber knife I had, that the handle had broken off of and made a new one out of opalized wood we picked up in Nevada. He has lots of new stuff to show all of you. Right now he is working on a walking stick for Ivy. Going to put a piece of the rock that Grandpa David found in the Ruby river area in it.
If she don't like it he is going to beat her with it. (just kidding).
Had another weird brain echo (dream). This time I was making sandwiches for everybody up in Idaho at the old house. (Kids are small yet). I took 2 tubs out of the cupboard. ( like soft oleo comes in), and opened one and spread it onto the bread. The weird thing was, it was Velveeta cheese with pimentos in it. The other one was Velveeta with bacon bits in it. This was not like the spread that comes in the little glasses or squirts out of a pressure can. I wasn't hungry for cheese when I went to bed. Haven't eaten Velveeta in years.....Go figure.... Granny

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