Friday, November 27, 2020

Through the portal

Linc couldn't believe his eyes. He looked all around, but he had to
admit he was where he thought he was. He found himself on a small
hill facing what he knew was the three pyramids on the Giza plain.
There they stood, in all their beautiful white limestone coated glory,
capped with gold, all three of them. This has to be impossible, he
thought. Looking all around him, this was not a desert plain. There
were trees, shrubs and flowers all around. He could see no other
structures or humans anywhere. He saw what could be Lizards, both
large and small. Holy cow, he thought . Just what time period am I in
this time, and why am I here?
He walked down the hill through the brush and flowers. He heard
something and found that there was a large lizard following him. He
picked up a rock and tossed it at the thing that ran off, but not very
far. He looked back and saw that he had been on the hill that had yet
to be carved into the sphinx. Wow he thought, this is really strange.
He remembered reading some where that the sphinx was older than the
pyramids. Well now that was solved as far as he was concerned.
Taking his GPS from the pack, he could see the pyramids were lined
up, north to south. He decided to circle them and hopefully to find
out why he was here.
He went to go along the east side of them first, finding there was a
terrific amount of humidity in the air.
As he got closer to them he could see that they were not stepped on
the sides, like they are in modern days, but were smooth as glass. It
looked like there was a film of water sliding down the sides of the
limestone blocks. Why? How did it get there? What purpose did it
serve? This was so very strange. He could also see there were white
limestone walls around them that were about knee high, and each about
a foot wide.. What on earth for? He could see that they were about a
foot away from the base of the pyramids themselves.
He walked up closer to the first one and saw that there was water in a
limestone paved ditch between the wall and the pyramid. Now that was
strange indeed. What was that for? As he stepped up closer, he saw
two lizards fighting on the top of the wall. One of them jumped up,
but fell toward the ditch. There was a bright flash, and the lizard
was instantly turned into dust. Holy gadzooks! He yelped. This is
truly unbelievable. What on earth caused that to happen?

He decided to move away from the pyramids to walk past them.
As he wound his way through the shrubs and trees, he began to feel
the earth beneath him tremble. His skin almost seem to turn prickly
The hair on his arms and legs seemed to stand up. Whoa! He thought,
now what is going on?
He was almost up to the largest pyramid that was in the middle when he
looked and saw what looked like blue white lightning bolts rushing up
from the base corners of it straight up into the air. A loud sizzling
sound started and as he looked back at the far pyramid he could see
the same type lightning bolts emanating from the far corners of it,
leaping up to join the bolts from what looked all four corners, of the
main one, jutting way up into the sky in a swirling mass. This was
almost enough to un-nerve him and make him want to retreat to the
portal and leave the area. Darn it anyway. This phenomena, lasted for
about five minutes or so.
The earth tremor quieted down, so he began to walk a bit faster past
the largest pyramid. The trees and brush thinned out a bit more as he
went along. There was more grasses showing along the way, than there
was before.
When he got to the corner of the middle one, he thought he might just
skip going around the last one and cut between it and the middle one,
when the earth started to tremble again and the air even seemed to
quiver too. Again the sizzling sound started, and the bolts began to
shoot skyward again, just like before. After about five minutes or so
they stopped again. Linc wondered if this was an ongoing thing.
He turned toward the opening between the two pyramids and started to
go between then them, when he seemed to step into a barrier that
knocked him flat on his butt with a loud pop and sizzle. He scooted
on his butt backwards for a couple of feet, before trying to stand up.
Wow! Well that settled that idea. He would walk around all three of
them. Anyway, it looked like maybe the waterways went between them to
feed each of them.
After going past the largest pyramid, the trees, brush and flowers
steadily increased like they were at the other end of them.
Around the corner of the last pyramid and going down past the farthest
side of it he came upon a shallow ditch going toward the pyramid,
that had a trickle of water in it. So that is where the water came
from that was in the ditches around the pyramids. Well I'll be darned,
thought Linc. He stepped over the small ditch and continued around
the last pyramid.
He no more got past the middle of the pyramid when the same thing with
the lightning bolts started up again. So this really was an ongoing
thing. What was generating all this power? Why was all this
electrical power going up into the sky? What was the purpose of it?
Where did it go from there? Was there something way up there in the
sky that he couldn't see, that was using it? Just too many things to
comprehend. He was beginning to think this was all just some fantasy
the time master had dreamt up.

As he walked along the West side of the pyramid, he began to see that
the vegetation had began to thin out some. The ground sloped to the
west a bit here, and he could see mountains in the far distance with
trees and shrubs in between, but no buildings or dwellings of any
kind, also no humans either.

The vegetation had almost died out about the time he reached the
middle of the largest pyramid. He came upon a hole in the wall
surrounding the pyramid when he saw there was a small ditch that ran
from it down the slope to a pool. The pool and the sand all around it
sparkled in the sunlight.
He picked up some of the sand and saw it was full of salt crystals.
The sides of the pool were crusted with them also. That's why the
dead vegetation, he thought. The salt in the sand has killed it off.

Continuing along the west side of the pyramids, the vegetation
increased as he went. The air tingled and the lighting bolts started
again. By the time it quit, Linc had reached the bottom of the hill
where the portal was. He went on up, took one last look around, then
stepped through the portal and ended back at the cabin.

He took off the backpack and put it in the truck and left the cabin.
After locking the gate and. driving back to the farm, he started to
think about all that he had seen, going through the portal.

He recalled reading that some scientists believed the pyramids were
really generators of electricity, yet they didn't know what for. He
also remembered what N. Tesla thought about them as well

Tesla was certain that he could recreate this process and capture
energy he believed to be lodged deep in Earth and transmit it all over
the globe. He was fairly certain that the Earth itself was a large
capacitor, holding endless volts of electricity that he believed he
could provide to anyone in the world for an endless amount of time. He
set up shop in 1899 in Colorado Springs near Pike's Peak to carry out
his research. This particular site was chosen carefully: being near
enough to Colorado Springs to give access to plenty of electricity and
also because the air at this altitude was dry and held more magnetic
Tesla also reveled in the amount of thunderstorms that passed through,
and was curious to see if lightning did indeed "charge" the earth
every time it struck. We now know that lightning also travels from the
ground up, so it is possible that Tesla wasn't far off in his
theories. The first prototype he built, the Wardenclyffe Tower, was
basically a large octagonally-shaped capacitor, with a gold domed
capstone that discharged any build-up or excess energy. Its iron
foundation reached 300 feet into the ground. Because of the high
magnetic density of the area Tesla selected to research, the electric
field's voltage increased by 100 V per meter, and he wanted his tower
as high as possible to achieve maximum voltage.
This massive structure was intended to fling raw energy skyward that
would then be captured by homes around the globe, simply outfitted
with a buried ground connection and a small antenna affixed to their
roofs. Ships at sea could also theoretically tap into this widespread
energy source with similar antennas, and in addition to electricity,
there was the possibility that the energy could also carry and
transmit radio-frequency information, much like high-speed internet

Linc thought of all of this, but decided it best not to bring the
subject up, except maybe with his Dad, at some time.

At the farm he pulled up to a storage shed and put the propane tank in
it before driving up to the house.

To be continued.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020



Back at the farm, Linc unloaded the truck while Lucas and Angel
decided to take a nap.
Trudy told him the Sherriff had been trying to contact him and he told
her they had met in town. He put the dog food and dishes in the
laundry room, out of the way, then went into the office. He called
his old teacher and told him about the boxes he had sent.
He called Uncle Vernon to see if they got the old ZCMI building, and
found that they did and were now making rooms for the exhibits and
updating the security of the building. They hoped to be ready to
transfer the exhibits in December. Linc hoped so too, because he would
be down there in Provo at Christmas time. Be great if they could get
it all done then.

He called Lewis to see if Axel had got the Chinese off his back, and
found out he was so far, free of the bugs and spies. Linc told him
that it would be a very good ides for him to go file claims, in his,
his Mother and Lincs name's , on the old mine where he found the
rocks.. And keep quiet about the fact that they were anti magnetic.
Lewis said he had thought about it but wondered what Linc would think.
Now that he knew, he would do it as soon as he could. It was a good
ides to take care of it now.

On the computer, he tried to find out something about the enameled
box on line but got nowhere there.
Tried to research on the diamonds. If they were famous stones, or
something, like stolen, or missing, he could find nothing about them.
He just had a mystery on his hands for sure there.

He heard Angel whimper, so he got up from the computer and took her
outside. She did a lot of sniffing around before she found just the
place to go.

Back inside, he found John sitting in the living room, and sat down to
talk to him when Trudy brought in a tray with coffee and sat it in
front of them. Just as she was pouring each of them cups, Lucas made
his appearance too.
After they all got settled with their coffee, Linc told them what had
happened up at the mine, and told them he was going up to the cabin
again since Buck had volunteered to send up a big earth mover. Lucas
said to count him out, He had enough of the blasted con-artists crap.
He would stay home and watch Angel, so Linc didn't have to worry about

After breakfast the next morning, Trudy fixed a lunch for Linc who put
it in the truck with his back pack, and drove on up to the cabin. He
left the gate open so the guy Buck was sending up with a big machine,
could get in ok.
He went into the old tunnel, checked on the seep and found it was
still stopped. He got all the tools and the gas light, closed and
locked the tunnel back up. He took the tools over to the lean- to
shed by the cabin and put them there. He saw they had forgotten to
take the big propane tank off the BBQ. After putting the lantern in
the cabin, making a small fire and putting on a pot of coffee to perk,
he went out and took the tank off the BBQ and stowed it in the back of
the truck.
He then went to the creek and got a bucket of water.
Back in the cabin, he poured a cup of coffee Put the rest in the thermos, put
Water in the dishpan and put it on the stove to heat for clean up,
then went and sat in the sunshine, taking a cup and the thermos with

The guy Buck sent over game in and got off the machine. Said, 'Hi
there, I'm Jim. Lets see what has to be done". Linc poured a cup
of coffee from the thermos, handed it to him, and said, "It's over
this way.' They drank their coffee as Linc explained about the
tunnel and the trench.

Jim climbed back on the machine, and in no time he had buried the
trench and piled so many rocks up against the adit, no one could begin
to see it. He took most of the old mine tailings and made a berm on
the road leading up to the tunnel as well.
Jim told Linc if he wanted, he would get some of the big boulders over
at the base of the hill and put them on the trench. He might even
want to add a fire pit to further confuse anyone looking for it.
Linc liked the idea, so Jim brought six large rocks over and placed
them in a wide circle with room in the middle for Linc to make a fire
pit from rocks from the tailings berm in the road. Linc told him
thanks a lot, and Jim took off down the road, back to his job at the

Linc put on some gloves and made a nice big fire pit in the middle of
the rock circle. Right on top of the buried trench. He laughed when
he thought about those darn snoops coming back and looking for it.
Might not be until next year, since winter was coming pretty soon now.

He poured out the rest of the coffee in his cup and got his lunch out
and ate it with the help of a couple of squirrels

Back in the cabin he washed the coffee pot and cups with water he had
heating on the small fire. It was almost cold, but did the job ok.

He put things away, locked the cabin and as he walked toward the
truck, he looked over at the new fire pit and saw a blue glow.
Oh boy! , Now what? He got his pack from the truck and entered the portal.

To be continued.