Wading down the river on a lovely afternoon. Actually it was just before noon. We waded down to the bridge and after going under we crossed the fence the rancher had put there to keep the cows from going upstream. Phillip took this pic not far from the fence and we continued on our way downstream.
Lots of watercress decorates the stream bed all along here. A few side streams where there are small ponds where cattails grow, cows have munched on them in places. We haven't seen any cows but can hear them calling each other down river.
When the river was high it dug a deep trench here at the base of the cliffs. There are small fish in these pools . About 2 to 3 inches long and look a lot like suckers. Biggest fish we have seen here are about 4 inches long. I don't think they ever get any bigger.
Lots of wild grapes grow along the river banks. They
completely cover the trees and cliffs. They hang down over the rive in lots of places. They will be getting ripe soon, then the birds will have a
hayday. There are all different kinds of birds here along the river. The
squirrels and chipmunks will get their share too I bet.
This is where we turned around to go back. It's about a quarter mile from where we soak our feet. Time to head back and move up into the shade by the car. Our feet have been in the water for the best part of a hour now with this wade downstream. We took our time because there are lots of cool things to see along the way. Too bad you couldn't have joined us.